Thursday, February 28, 2008

New job, kids, and all

About a week and a half ago I started a new job. The old job got, well, old! I was offered more $$, and I was out! Thus far I love the new job. It is a small office, and everyone kind of keeps to themselves, and it is blissful!
The kids are doing well! Their mom and I have become "friends." I use the term loosely due to her mental condition--she is my friend one day and hates me more than life the next. She told me my face was stupid the other night-I can't figure out of it's a translation error or her being rude. I just let it slide because she is nuts! I am trying to be kind and nice..which you all know is sometimes a bit hard for me! But I really am trying for the sake of those beautiful little boys! We weren't able to take them last weekend, and their mom told me Pablo (the little one) walked around all weekend long saying "Mama no?" So he was sad we didn't get to see them, and we were of course sad too! We are going to meet with a mediator tomorrow and hopefully get court orders. Juan and the kids mom have agreed not to talk to eachother ever again because they are too angry at eachother and say stupid things. So I have agreed to be the go between to cut the stupidness. I'll keep you all posted on the custody situation!
Juan succesfully ate a hamburger as large as his head last night. He had to go to Rexburg, ID for work, and called to tell me he had completed this task and was rewarded with his picture taken and put on the wall. SICK I KNOW! He told me he felt so sick he could hardly walk, but he had accomplished it! I wasn't as impressed as he thought I would be.
Things, all in all, are pretty great! We are moving to Riverton on the 15th, and are excited!
For now...that's all!

1 comment:

Suzie LeCheminant said...

Congratulations Juan! I've eaten at Big Judd's...but my picture is not on the wall (yet).
Love the new blog :)