Monday, June 9, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

The rules are as follows: List 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions, and 3 Random Surprising Facts About Yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

1. Juan
2. My Family
3. Sleeping in late with Juan

1. Death
2. Spiders/Snakes
3. Gaining gross amounts of weight

1. Not bite Juan's head off--love pregnancy hormone's!
2. Be a better wife and step-mom
3. I don't have a 3rd

Current Obsessions:
1. Sleeping
2. Smoothies
3. Staring at myself in the mirror to notice any weight gain

Random Surprising Facts About Me:
1. I still think there are monsters under the bed--I run in to bed every night!
2. I hate reading books-but I might have found one I like. Scary I know!
3. My family is far from perfect. (I had a girl tell me one time I just seemed like the girl who had this totally awesome family. haha If she only knew the truth!)

so I tag:
My sissy


Amy said...

Does that mean you're liking Twilight?

Leslie said...

thanks for tagging me.. but i am anti tag. I hate to make my brain work long enough to think of what to write! Some call me lazy.. I call me.. well lazy!