Friday, September 19, 2008

Baby Emerson...and more

We had our 21 week ultrasound a couple days ago. And I would just like to say Baby Emerson is darling....and perfect in every way! During the ultra sound he would not do many tricks much to his daddys dismay..other than lay with his hands above his head while he slept. This just so happens to be the exact way Juan sleeps, so he was VERY impressed with his son. Emerson is measuring perfect...REALLY long legs, and he, at this point, does not have the HUGE Anderson head most babies in my family have been so blessed with. Juan assures me my head is huge, and Emerson will have the same. I tell him he's wrong and should shut up! (That's crazy pregnant lady talk--more shut ups than usual these days!!) Then Juan tells me Emerson doesn't like his Mom to be rude so to stop. It's a daily talk we have!
The doctor said everything is normal with both of being a moody mess-normal. My heart racing while doing stupid things like dishes-normal. Possibly freaking out at poor unsuspecting people-normal but not acceptable! =)
Emerson is still set to make his big debut January 30th, but he is measuring 2 weeks ahead so perhaps he can be early. I am going to ask about inducing..but not quite yet! Everyone says if I ask now the dr. will think I'm nuts!
We finally told the boys Mom I'm pregnant. She has been asking Juan weekly if not daily about my pregnancy status and Juan keeps lying. So last night in a pregnancy fit of anger, I called and made the announcement. She told me she didn't care, and I assured her she did otherwise she wouldn't be calling daily to check in on my life status.'s out! Everyone knows!!
We are excited, and happy we can now talk to the boys about their brother. Alex said having another little brother will be a lot of work, and Pablo informed us he is still the baby. They're both in for a big surprise!! We took them with us to the ultra sound appointment, Pablo said he will be hitting Emerson when he's born, and Alex told the ultra sound tech to tell Emerson not to bite me. Then Alex said Pablo, we can't hit him until he's older. I informed them both if he had any of his moms genes, he would be bigger than both of them and they probably should make no plans of hitting him period because they would get a beat down from brother. Oh kids!!
So, all in all, we're still alive and well. Pablo and I are in a close race for moodiest mess....he might be winning! I can't wait for 3 to be over!
Anyways..that's it! Oh..we're moving to Murray Sun. to another apartment for hopefully only a few months and then we'll buy a house. Pray for us! I am sick and tired of apartment living!


Leslie said...

Congrats on everything going good. COngrats on the new apt. Congrats on having the cat out of the bag! Can't wait for Baby E to arrive!!

Kamee said...

Oh no, has she tried anything after finding out?