Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I hate school!

I just want to go to school!!! I have been working and working, and finally only have ONE semester of school left. I was hoping to finish everything up with summer classes, and be finished in August. But--I found out today that I would only be allowed to pay my tuition in 2 payments rather than the usual 4 payments or so.
So, since I have 2 kids, a lawyer to pay to keep those 2 kids, car payment, bills, etc. it looks like school will have to be put on the back burner for now. Hopefully by August I can come up with enough $$ to pay for my last semester!
I hate it--I just want to be done!!!

1 comment:

Suzie LeCheminant said...

Good luck friend!! I can't imagine school with a family - you're amazing.